Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Many voices...One Shepherd

Many voices....One Shepherd

"My sheep hear my voice......and they follow me."
John 10:27

In John 10:11, Jesus proclaims that He is the Good Shepherd who gave His life for His sheep. 

Did you know that when sheep are healthy in the pasture, they only respond to the voice of their shepherd? It's also a fact that when sheep become sick and weak, they get confused and respond to any voice they hear!

So it is with many Christians. They become weak in the faith and as they are bombarded with other voices, they begin to respond to false teachers, wolves in sheep's clothing, and bad doctrine.  Then comes the straying from our loving Shepherd.

There are so many voices calling us away from the Shepherd today! Do all that you can do today to stay snuggled right up close to His side....the side that was pierced for your sin.

Something happens when we have steady and daily communion with Jesus. All the many voices in the world are blocked out and we become attuned to one voice... HIS voice!

May you seek HIS face...His VOICE before you seek any other today!

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