Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Unfailing Love

Unfailing Love

"Who trust in God's unchanging love. Built on the Rock that nought can move."

Herein is love.....but that He loved us and sent His Son"
1 John 4:10

What a thought! He loves with an unmeasurable love and that will NEVER, ever change!  

I'm on the couch--trying to rest so I can go and lead rehearsal this evening--and I'm overwhelmed in my spirit by this great truth:

"Unfailing love flows from His heart and heals my soul.
In spite of who I am He loves and makes me whole."

Many ups and downs and 8 hospital stays later and I still have no doubt that He is with me...that He is in control....that He loves me most.

Though friends and family may fail you today, you can ever rest secure in His great love for you!!! Thanks be to God!

May you seek His face before you face any other today!

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