Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Always Enough!

Always Enough

"The people of Israel ate the manna forty years.."
Exodus 16:35

"25.Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat it what you will drink..26. Look at the birds of the air...are you not of more value than they..27. And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
28. Consider the lilies...will He not much more clothe you? 31. Therefore, do not be anxious..34. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow"
Matthew 6

God so graciously provided for our needs during my months out of work. He provided every single need! Miraculously!  How horrible that as I shift back towards a normal life, my first thought tends to be to worry about tomorrow!  Oh, how God must roll His eyes at me and my thick-headedness.

Thank God those times are brief and He reminds me of His faithfulness, and I remember, and my worries are stilled. I'm human and He understands that....how kind of Him to give us the Holy Spirit as our great "rememberer".

These verses were another great reminder for me today. For forty years as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, there was enough. There was always enough! Every single morning, there was fresh manna and it met the needs for THAT day. They didn't have to worry about tomorrow's manna. Each day there was enough!

If you struggle like me with running to a place of doubt, take comfort in these verses today.

God fed His people daily for 40 years and He still feeds His people today. He knows we are forgetful, but sends us wonderful reminders of His faithfulness and mercy. He tells us not to be anxious and sends the Holy Spirit to minister to us.

Whatever you're facing...need, worry, sickness, depression, doubts?? He's always enough!

May you seek His face before you face any other today!

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